is one of the most popular and most practiced religions in the world, to its
devotees; it is the only way to God. It came into existence some 40 years after
the ascension of Jesus Christ the acclaimed founder but unknown to many, Jesus
didn’t even hear of the name "Christians" before his ascension to
heaven and he didn’t initiate it. It was after he ascended to heaven that the
heathen saw his devotees and disciples trying to live like him that they called
them “Christians” which means “Christ-likes”. And it happened in Antioch.
name was adopted by them; they tried to live by it until it becomes a religion.
Someone said religion is man’s way back to God, this is true. Before the coming
of Christ, man had many ways back to God but the only acceptable one was
Judaism and after the coming of Jesus who said “I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the father except though me” Judaism became invalid
and Jesus became the only acceptable way to God and whosoever believes in him
has embraced the only way to God. The Christians claim to believe this but
their doctrines says otherwise, they made it look as if believing in Jesus
Christ is not only the way back to God but a combination of believing in him
and trying to live like him.
belief make them to try to live by the laws in the Judaists scriptures which
they claim Jesus didn’t scrap but fail to understand what fulfilling the laws
on their behalf means. Living by those laws means they, like other religions
have decided to find their own ways back to God. They believe Jesus only set a
pace for them on how to live and when they fail to meet up, they say his death
is the grace given to keep trying. However, the grace brought by Christ means
you can live without trying to fulfill the laws since he did that already.
Other than eating the last supper by his disciples which is not a compulsion,
Jesus did not make any doctrine. He came so that man can have relationship with
God; love God and fellow human being which he said embodies all laws and
prophets that brought about series of doctrines. Jesus didn’t establish any
religion; he fulfilled them and whosoever 'believe' in him will be saved. John
is not only based believe in Christ and telling others about him which is the
real deal; it is a glorified Judaism, a cult manipulated with self-made,
wrongly interpreted and outdated doctrines and laws that discourage people for
whom Jesus Christ died to believe in him, confess him and be saved.
'Christians' is a name to be adopted then it must only be adopted by people
that believe in, rely on Jesus and tell others about him, perhaps performs
signs and wonders in order for the people to believe just as Jesus himself did,
not people who want to look best among others in the name of religion by tying
to live like Jesus Christ.
read the Bible cover to cover critically, scholarly and spiritually; examining
each statement made in it as it relate to the person spoken to, the speaker,
and the covenant and context under which they speak, I have found out there is
only one criteria for getting back to God and making heaven. It is ‘believe’ in Jesus Christ.
of your religion, so far it is not a way of worshiping Satan or claiming
allegiance to him, this simple act of believing in Jesus Christ as the son of
God; one’s Lord and savior is enough to save you.
is the umbrella under which people hide their prides in order to look better
than others even though they can’t meet up. That makes no sense to God. The
most important thing is to believe in Jesus Christ and it doesn't matter
whether you choose to answer the name Christian or not. The perfection comes by
accepting Jesus Christ as Lord not in trying to live like him.
of dedications to religious activities, the only set of people that will make
heaven is those that believe and doesn’t renounce their belief that Jesus is their lord and savior.
it were not so, Jesus would have told Nicodemus otherwise when he came to meet
him at night asking what he could do to be saved. He was told he needed to be
born again and proper contextualization of john 3 of the bible made it clear
that being born again simply mean to believe
in Christ.
in Christ are however commissioned to preach Jesus (the word) so others can be
saved. This is the most reasonable way to show they appreciate the death of
Jesus Christ for them. What saved them is the fact that they believe in Christ,
not because they tried to live like him. The act of telling people about Jesus Christ
is the most reasonable thing to do for God. No one can live as holy as Jesus
Christ did, though trying to do so could be gain but it is useless if it will
stop others from accepting Christ.
about Jesus Christ and telling others to believe in him is mankind’s most
reasonable service to God.
is the responsibility of the Holy Ghost which they receive after accepting Christ
as their Lord to help them turn away from their wrong doings but the Christians
have left their jobs and took that of the Holy Ghost.
a man (human being) need to be saved is to just believe in Jesus Christ as the
son of God who died for his sins. Going to church is only profitable if it
helps people to live in love, learn more and depend on Jesus Christ whom they
believe without which going it will be as useless as the 'p' in psychology.
believe church is about a building where a group of people (Christians), gather
together to live by certain doctrines they culled from the bible in order to
look best among others but that's not it.
means the gathering of people that believe in the same thing thus the true
meaning of "Church of Christ" is the gathering of those who believe
in him. For instance, if the whole of Africa believes in Christ, they have
become the church of Christ as long as they do not renounce him. It is not only
about a building called Church.
Do you want to accept the word (Jesus Christ) into your life?
Say this out to yourself and mean it:
You can take his yoke by telling people about him, mind you,
don’t force people, it is ungodly to do so.
simple as it look, if you TRULY BELIEVE it, you don't need to be a Christian
and if you are a Muslim you don't need to change. This is not a religion but a
believe and you are saved. The fight is not between human race and God but
between God and Satan and in order to be on God's side that declaration is all
you need.
you can lose this safety just the way you got it if you claims allegiance to
Satan by either confessing him as lord, worship him and accept things: money,
fame and power or other things from him. That is the only form of backsliding
and the only way through which you can call Jesus your lord, heal in his name
and yet not make heaven.
you believe this is not for you but you believe it is true, please share with
people you think might need it, share as many times as you can and spread the
gospel. I tell you, for as many that read this and believed, you will have your
reward in heaven. Take me by my words.
Written by Soul'e Rhymez