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students acquiring education but unsure of what the future holds In when education becomes indoctrination , an essay publis...

Wednesday, 15 June 2016


11. Concerning your future, one of the operations of life that I have come to realize is that, 'You see the future clearly in your heart[mind] after taking ownership of your life before you can successfully enter into it and the images of that future you have seen is the 'legal document' of your ownership to that future. The problem actually is that majority of youths are despising the true images of their futures as seen by them in their privacy. The images you see about your future are the 'lights' necessary to enter into them. Those images are more powerful than the limitation of formal education.
12a. The truth is that, the school system is a CONSPIRACY. Conspiracy is basically a system of falsehood encoded in truths. Deep right? That is why it is called a CONSPIRACY. How do I mean? It simply means that education is very good but within its practices are ideologies and policies encoded to trap the progress of individuals within its system. So, until youths come to a place of personal decision to free themselves from those webs, they remain caged. Many pursue schooling without the consciousness of education. The mix of schooling and education is a REVOLUTION. Pursue the two with deep intents.    
12b. Freedom is of the mind while deliverance is of 'chains'. Schooling is deliverance while education is freedom. You can be delivered but not free. But you can't be FREE and not be delivered! Freedom is a 'light' birthed by truths.
13. I want to ask you a question but answer it to yourself privately.
14. What you are presently doing as a student or graduate, is there any form of 'legal document' you have concerning it. Meaning, in that course of your study or career, have you seen your future in it? If not, then the conspiracies of education have worked its ways into your life and if paradigm shift[s] isn't taken then you have no future. That is really where the complexities of life starts from for a youth because no clarity of purpose has been birthed within their hearts before they started the journey of schooling.
15. I have seen the future of education and how it can revolutionize every aspect of one's life in practical terms even without going through the school system or without an obsessive desire for certificates. I have developed a program for anyone that is not interested in going to our contemporary school system yet want to make it in life but that actually requires private consulting with me.

If this post has blessed your life then kindly comment, feedbacks, share or re-broadcast it. Let others learn through your comments.
Christian Nonso |Educational Consultant |Mental Reformer |Best Retail and Small Business Strategist |Author |Revolutionary Speaker | +2348067482341 |Whatsapp Enabled: +2348146264874 | BBM: 329C7F91 | @LegacyXpat | legacyxpat@gmail.com |fb page: LegacyXpat Consult | © LegacyXpat Education and Consultancy, 2016.  

Thank you.


6a. Friends, write this down:

''Professorship [titles] will no longer rule the world but men without titles but with deep and enlightened intellectual capital, understanding, wisdom[integrated knowledge], and spiritual capital will. They are already evolving''.

The like of Bill Gates[Founder of Microsoft Corporation], Mark[Founder of Facebook] etc, they have no form[s] of titles attached to their names yet they are revolutionaries, they changed the entire landscape of events globally and locally, because they were the forerunners of the New World[Information Age].

Obviously, they were contemporary school drop-outs from the best University[Harvard] in the world. They were never certificates conscious like what most of us have been programmed into believe in. Don't be too excessively attached to certificate acquisition, instead let your programming be targeted at REVOLUTION. Through this mindset, you can not be limited in thinking, as such you will create your own world.  

6b. Friends, your brain is more important than your muscles in this present economy realities, Information Age, we find ourselves. Like I jokingly say, 'There is more money in the brain than in the muscles'. Where you invest into determines intimately your life's results!

7a. Don't be deceived! In most cases, you don't need certificates to succeed in life! I have checked through proven history, those who are pacesetters were not certificate driven instead impact-driven. 

I would rather you learn cutting edge skills which is a product of professional education and enlightened knowledge[self-education] that will usher us into another new world-the world of your own inventions. I have proven it, those without formal education can use professional education to bridge the gap because professional education obeys the laws of evolution of trends.

After the Information Age, we are entering another world called, 'The Emerging Age of Wisdom'. 98% of the world currently isn't ready for this new world yet.

7b. My real point here is that, even though, you didn't go to contemporary formal school system...you can still SUCCEED in life if you decide to take OWNERSHIP of your life, by first acknowledging that truly your life is the only certificate you need to succeed. Out of that acknowledgement will the real events of your life emerge on the earth. Never despise your existence regardless of criticism.

The two new weapons of a revolution as it regards education are these two skills: 'Read and write'. If you can do these two, then your future is secured! 

8. The school system foundation was laid on the Prussian system[a word derived from the military] which works on the principles of indoctrination.

Indoctrination is that practice that makes you have just one view to life whereas, in this present economy realities you should have 'world-view idea or everything'. Why? The Fall of Berlin Wall created a subtle world without any form of limitation, as such we are now global citizens regardless of our location. Your approach to life now should be global!

9. So, you cannot depend on the school system for your mental excellence and revolution because the system hasn't changed to adopt this new reality, except you are under a teacher that has undergone these mental shifts I am discussing.

The school system owes you nothing, but you owe yourself your future. The teachers, due to our new realities are no longer a monopoly on knowledge instead the students are. Because knowledge now is at the speed of thoughts. No more limitation!

10. Never carry this entitlement mentality in life as if someone owes you something. The day you drop that mentality is the day you have decided your future and the 'maps' to that future immediately or gradually shows up to you.

If this post has blessed your life then kindly comment, feedbacks, share or re-broadcast it. Let others learn through your comments.
Christian Nonso |Educational Consultant |Mental Reformer |Best Retail and Small Business Strategist |Author |Revolutionary Speaker | +2348067482341 |Whatsapp Enabled: +2348146264874 | BBM: 329C7F91 | @LegacyXpat | legacyxpat@gmail.com |fb page: LegacyXpat Consult | © LegacyXpat Education and Consultancy, 2016.  

Thank you.


1. ''It is not the strongest of the species that will survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most  responsive to change''-Charles Darwin

Let me start by welcoming you to your new REVOLUTION. It takes an enlightened education to cause a new REVOLUTION in any given sphere of life, and such is what you are about to encounter. What you are able to learn is applicable to any given area[s] of life. Why? Education touches every aspect of life.

Rule 1:

Without a revolutionary intelligence[dynamic insights] that is hinged on the changing nature of this new world [Information Age] then one's life relevance is in danger and at the verge of extinction regardless of who you are.

2. Over the years precisely in my University days[100L in exact], I was persistently disturbed about the nature of the education students/youths are exposed to, in the sense that almost all students by virtue of subtle programming have been taught and indoctinated into a singular view of life via with the mindset of 'I must be certified' to get a job without which I am or will be useless to the society. What a lie!

The conditioning above made school dropouts develop guilt in their hearts, as such they also believe in their hearts that without 'certification' they can't make it.

3. Recently, I was talking with one of the consistent followers of my works and I told her clearly that, 'Your life is the 'only' certificate you need to succeed in life when you take OWNERSHIP of it'. Taking OWNERSHIP of it is what unveils the treasures on the inside of you to you.

Let say something striking here, the greatest certificate any individual can have and has been credited to him as a right by God is SELF-CERTIFICATION. The truth is that, all external certifications will not prosper anyone who doesn't believe enough in him or herself. Some people will manipulate you to think that you need a certain certification[though, some cases you need], before you can do anything worthwhile. If you believe that, then you have been manipulated to develop self-imposed mental limitation.

Follow me closely, I will open you up to truths that were hidden for ages past.

4. For the past 8years now, I took an intentional decision to study the foundation of the school system, general attitudes of students/school dropouts to learning and challenges most students/school dropouts face in learning generally. Personally as well, having handled these cases for over 10years now, then I realized one among many vital truth in my deep researches that:

- The school system was not designed to cause a mental revolution in you rather your personal investment in knowledge/education is the path to your mental revolution and re-invention. This obviously happened as a result of the shift in global schemes of events in 1989 through the Fall of Berlin Wall in Germany. I will still give prophecies of what the future holds through that singular event. Be ready to experience mental shifts!

5. I have read hidden old documents of how the Board of Education was founded/formed from personal enlightened perspective[meaning, you can not decode it on the surface] which is primarily to cripple the true personal education of masses[youths/children] thereby creating a sense of entitlement mentality in them at the same time, causing these students to be highly productive for those who formed the Board. I am unfolding gradually, just follow me.   

 If this post has blessed your life then kindly comment, feedbacks, share or re-broadcast it. Let others learn through your comments.
Christian Nonso |Educational Consultant |Mental Reformer |Best Retail and Small Business Strategist |Author |Revolutionary Speaker | +2348067482341 |Whatsapp Enabled: +2348146264874 | BBM: 329C7F91 | @LegacyXpat | legacyxpat@gmail.com |fb page: LegacyXpat Consult | © LegacyXpat Education and Consultancy, 2016.  

Thank you.

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