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students acquiring education but unsure of what the future holds In when education becomes indoctrination , an essay publis...

Wednesday, 14 September 2016


In “When Education becomes Indoctrination”, an essay published by The Guardian Newspaper in year 2015, and also published on several online platforms across the world, it was stated by the writer that “When education becomes indoctrination, only the truly educated ones become successful.”

It seems it is playing out here.

It is obvious; education in this part of the world has become indoctrination.
It seems we are satisfied with the bragging rights: certificates and fluency in the use of English Language.
It hasn’t occurred to us that these aren’t what it means to be educated and that is why we are so backward.

Our children are sent to schools, they study any available course just to be in school and graduate unbaked and virtually useless to themselves and the society.
That is what education that neglects talents and passions has to offer.

According to Soul’e Rhymez in one of his essays on education, the best form of education, which he termed “True Education”, is to be taught the rudiments and the right use of your talents in relation to your passion to make you relevant to yourself and the society.

With that definition of education, we will have a stable and empowered society, but is that what we have now?
Don’t you think our educational system is just a brainwash?
Don’t be surprised at the hardship we experience now, that’s the price we pay for wrong definition and propagation of education.
We produce virtually nothing, even the little we produce is not valued and we are not trained to produce.
We are trained to import from abroad and when exchange rate goes high, inflation sets in as we have it now.

Where are the educated folks?
What solution do they have to this? Probably none, but empty eloquence.
This is not about fluency in English Language and certification alone, it is about productivity and they are probably not trained to do the later.

Have you noticed that our educational system seems to have been designed to produce only employees?
Why do you think we have so many unemployed graduates?
It is simple; they are trained to work for people, not to be employers of labour.
They were not trained to use their talent in relation to their passions; they are trained to speak good English and boast of certificates.

We have a lot of schooled folks that have no idea what education is and this is why we are suffering.
Education is not limited to the walls of any school, but it is worse here as university is the ultimate when it comes to education.
Whereas, it is just one institution of learning out of thousands of institutions of learning through which we can be educated and be relevant to ourselves and our society.

Until we seek “True Education”, we will always be behind.

Kindly click on the links below to read Essays on education to learn more about how to acquire “True Education” as written by members of TEC (True Education Campaign)

1.      When Education becomes Indoctrination (The University is a must syndrome):http://greatmindsinitiativesinternational.blogspot.com.ng/2016/03/when-education-becomes-indoctrination.html

3.      Misunderstanding of Education; the basis of continued poverty in Africa: http://greatmindsinitiativesinternational.blogspot.com.ng/2016/01/misunderstanding-of-education-basis-of.html  and many more….

You can also click on this link: https://youtu.be/d3ZG2Nq2PV0  to watch their Documentary on education.

For more information or to be a part of this great initiative, contact TEC publicist on: +2348163800077, also available on WhatsApp.


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