When a topic such as gender equality is raised, the question a
lot of people ask is, can women be equal to men?
There have been several tussles as regard passing the bill into
law in Nigeria, the most populated black nation. However, a lot of folks do not
understand what Gender Equality entails.
What is Gender Equality?
Gender is the classification of sexes, while equality means being
equal, in a nutshell; it means equal rights for the sexes.
The Feminists argues it is equity and that takes us to the
meaning of equity, which according to Oxford Dictionary is:
1. Fairness.
2. Principles of justice used to correct or supplement the law.
3. A value of the shares issued by a company. b (in pl.) stocks
and shares not bearing fixed interest. [Latin aequitas: related to *equal].
In all of the above definitions of equity, we can only pick the
first two, which is fairness and principle of justice used to correct or
supplement law.
It will therefore mean that the feminists are seeing some unfair
treatments of the female gender under the law and want it corrected. If this is
true, then what are these unfair treatments?
Anybody that agitates for Gender Equality should therefore be
able to point out unfair treatments they want to be corrected.
Before anyone agitate for the right of women to be equal with
men, they should check the psychological make-up, physiological make-up, social responsibilities, religion
and the culture, not just the law, because these are things that must have been
put into consideration before the enactments of the law, which are now seen as
unfair to the female gender.
Some time ago, one of my female Facebook friends raised the
topic and got several backlash from a section of guys, who asked her the above
Most of them went back to their scriptures to support their
claims, they believe women are just helpers to men and not equals.
These guys might be right, both the Bible and the Quran made the
positions of women very clear.
They are seen as helpers of men. But does that make them
inferior to men?
Can a helper be equal to the person she helps or even be
I also questioned payment of dowry; a cultural practice as one
of the reasons why men will never see women as their equals. No man will pay
his hard earned money to marry any woman and still want the woman to be seen as
equal to him.
Regardless of how you choose to see it, this is embedded in the
subconscious of every man and it shows in their dispositions. Dowry is just a
packaged name for selling ladies as properties, just as several other
commodities and services has a name for money paid to get them.
Psychologically, the ladies tend to be more emotional and only a
few of them have the resilience to move on as most men will do in the face of
danger. How many ladies go to war? Most
of them melt at seeing pictures of war zones or blood.
Most of them can’t take certain decisions as men will take.
They are easily influenced and changes their minds much too
Physiologically, they are not as strong as men too, there are
only few exceptions.
Sometime ago, due to how a lady mishandles power, just as a
WhatsApp group administrator, I said I won’t vote women into power. Was that a
discrimination against women? NO.
Her decisions are influenced by the owner of the group. She does
what he tells her to do, so far it agrees with what she wanted, just like Eve
did in the Garden of Eden. She wasn’t able to think it through just like most
men will do.
This is a psychological weakness that often differentiates women
from men and any man that behaves like that is regarded to as woman, because it
is a woman’s thing.
When I hear guys complain of their babes, wives being snatched”
I begin to wonder if the lady in question is a Robot and do not know what she
Was she forced? Was she raped? Was she charmed?
If none of these happened and she ended up with the other guy,
it tells a lot about women’s inability to make decisions and stand by them.
They get easily convinced; that’s not a fault, it is their
psychological makeup and it shows their difference from men.
Having stated all the differences, there is no need to put the
blame on the women for wanting to be equal to men in everything, because their
uniqueness has been made look like faults by men and obnoxious cultural
They are not appreciated; they are seen as the weaker vessels.
While the later could be true, making their uniqueness look like faults make
them to fight for relevance, in what look like men’s world.
Often times, men undermine the duties of women, calling them
common cooks and baby factories; this makes them fight for the place of men.
I think the problem is men’s inability to put themselves in
women's shoes.
I believe if God switches the roles and men does the home
keeping, and carry babies in their bellies for nine months, they will start
respecting the roles of women and stop asking them for more.
Most of the things the women do well are not appreciated and the
exceptional thinkers among them believe they should take up men’s roles maybe
they will be appreciated. But the question is, can women do all that men does?
Are they built for such tasks? Well, there are exceptions.
Some women are now doing what men do, but can they do it the
same or even better?
I have seen ladies become presidents of nation, I have seen them
fight wrestling, I have seen them in several sports, but if you look at all
these, it seems men do them better, but it does not mean they can’t do them
Imagine if a lady becomes the president and all the Governments
officials are females and they are to go to war with another nation, what do
you think will happen? Will they do it better?
Checking the psychological and physiological makeup of both
sexes, everything points to the fact that men are made different from women.
Does this difference mean superiority? NO.
The uniqueness of both sexes are important and most fitting for
tasks they are designed for, we just need to appreciate them and stop opting
for what the other has been designed to do, except our psychological makeup
gives room for that exception.
It the Bible, it is written that God created man before woman
and made man the head, while the woman is to be the helper, this we say, makes
man the natural leader, but we have also in the scripture, how Deborah led a war
where men failed.
Did that make God author of confusion or make women natural
NO! Those are just exceptions and of course they don’t happen
all the time.
By making man the head and woman the helper does not make one
superior and the other inferior, it is just to prevent anarchy in the family.
God is not the author of confusion.
Taking it back to the family, where it all starts; men are to be
the Figure Head Leaders and the women are to submit to their leadership,
regardless of the position they hold outside home. This however does not make
women inferior to men. They are built to influence the decisions of men and
this makes them the ultimate leaders.
The devil knew this and that is why, according to the story of
how sin came alive, he didn’t meet Adam, probably because he knew Adam will
turn him down immediately, but he went to Eve, knowing she was the only one
that can make Adam do his wish.
Now tell me, between Adam and Eve, who is more powerful?
However, certain cultural, traditions and religious believes
have reduced women to mere properties without brain, thus, most of them are no
longer considered capable of influencing men’s decisions or even making them.
No gender is superior to the other; both are uniquely designed
for certain tasks, so no need to fight for gender equality.
All we need to do is to recognize and appreciate the uniqueness
of each gender and appreciate them just as much. The exceptions should also be
respected for their abilities, not let down because of their gender.
If it is true that the women are unfairly treated, and their
uniqueness is devalued, well, I believe certain cultural and religion’s beliefs
should be done away with, to bring about the desired change. But with these
cultures and beliefs in place, Gender Equality is a dream that can never come
Written by Soul’e Rhymez.
This was a discussion on SRAF WhatsApp group, if you’d like to
join the group, send “SRAF” to +2348163800077 via WhatsApp.
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