What you don't know, they say, is your Master and I found this to be very true.
I found out how people worship what should worship them and take for granted what they should hold to heart.
I found out a lot of people are limited and are comfortable being
limited at their own detriments because they are afraid of looking
foolish to people by searching for knowledge.
They don't want people to know they are ignorant of certain things but their follies speaks ahead of them.
They are crippled in their lack of understanding and become slaves to what should serve them. What a pity.
Growing up, I was upset with this development and my indignation
translated into poetry but that wasn't enough to change things.
read the Bible and discovered God said to mankind: "go yee into the
world and subdue it" but contrary to that, the world have subdued a lot
of people. What a shame.
People abuse the God in them by letting
themselves be subdued by certain ideologies created by circumstances and
when such circumstances are gone they still hold on to them to prove
points thus limit their productivity.
Sex is one invention that has so much subdued mankind and this is because they lack basic knowledge of it.
Some are made to believe it is a no-go area even when they can't seem
to overcome the urge, some believe their destinies are tied to their sex
Some attach their prides to it and some are made to believe
it is an unforgivable sin if wrongly practiced but it seem none has been
studious enough to find out the truth about the act called sex.
Like I once said, sex has become more popular than God it's inventor and this is because we give it too much attention.
In THE IMAGE OF GOD, an expository book written by my humble self,
attention is said to be one basic attribute of love thus giving to much
attention to sex consciously or subconsciously means we love it more
than God.
The moralists are not exempted in this, in fact they are
reasons why sex has become more popular than God and this is what I try
to address.
Sex has become so popular that so many names has been
created out of it such as: marriage, making love, having sex, illicit
sex, casual sex, oral sex, bestiality, incest, lesbianism, bisexuality,
homosexuality, masturbation, fornication, adultery, rape, extramarital
affair, aristos, sugar daddies, sugar mommies, prostitution, escorting,
pornography and so on.
A lot of people know these names offhand but how many of them knows the many names of God or even care to know?
This is a testimony that we love sex more than God whether we practice
it or not and I tell you the moralists are to blame for this.
However, it is not also their faults as they can only operate within the premises of their knowledge.
Sometimes ago I went to God and asked him for wisdom and the first thing he told me was to be ready to look foolish to people.
I didn't understand it immediately but with the reactions I get as
regard my witty dispositions, I began to understand what God meant.
As simple as it seem, many people are not able to get to that level.
They hold their ignorance to heart and pose it to people as wisdom but only fools like them can be deceived.
Their egos are their vaults for whosoever doesn't not first accept he is foolish does not need wisdom and might never get one.
It's true knowledge puff up to get it, you have to be humble.
So if you think I know many things now and I Puff up, be sure it is because I have been humble enough to be able to puff up.
I asked for half wisdom of Solomon but God gave me more, it is for me
to believe and for you to doubt until the time for my manifestation
comes but blessed are those who do not see yet believe.
again I urge you to overcome what you call pride and send "Sacred" to
+2348163800077 via whatsApp to have access to the upcoming article
titled: SEX; THE SACRED NONSENSE. This article reveals all you need to
know about sex in God's perspective.
Take this bold step and refuse to be a slave to what should serve you.
Read and share please!!!!
Thank You.
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