A couple of days after I posted my poem Solphia online, I got a message from a senior poet who criticized my poems saying they are profane and mundane; he thinks they are all about women and confirmed it was the reason why he stopped commenting and liking them.
he advised I should stop writing for people's girlfriends and find something better to do with poetry rather than focus on the female folk.
Though I welcomed his critic but not without mentioning that he was only being a stereotype and lest I forget he was being judgmental, we all know not all my poems is about women.
However, I love his boldness, not everyone can be that bold to say their minds especially as I keep tagging them.
I have also received several backlash from the females too and those who could not confront me withdrew from me.
Mary liked me the first time she met me, she was swept off her feet when she had opportunity to converse with me; she marveled at my level of intelligence thus in an attempt to know me more, she went on my Facebook wall without my consent as I didn't even tell her I was on Facebook and that was when we started having problems. She started developing cold and hostile attitudes toward me, she lost all respect for me for a reason unknown.
For all I knew, I never asked her out, not even in the dream so her new found attitudes were a shock to me.
I grew tired of her making us look like couples who were divorced based on irreconcilable differences and I asked her one morning when we were riding to work in the same car as usual, why she hated me so much.
"you too like woman, why is it that all you write about on your is women, is there no other thing to write about except women? She said angrily and confirmed I was a player, no amount of my grammar was able to change her ready-made mind.
Mary was just one among thousands of people who saw me as a player but what can I do, stop writing about women? No way!
The problem with people that criticize me is that they think I take advantage of these ladies I write about and upload their pictures on my wall but the opposite is the truth.
Though I know most of these ladies and take permissions from them before putting their pictures on my wall or even write about them; most of them are not even my friends talk less of being lovers. Hard to believe? You just have to.
I grew up a misogynist (women hater) simply because my my genetic predisposition contradicts the decadence in my environment which the females are major protagonists. With this; without reorientation, I hated them with sheer passion. I used to spit whenever I saw women simply because they disgust me. I do not think of sleeping with them, I always thought of molesting them and I have had people ask me on several occasions if I was a gay.
I hated all female gender except my Granny who managed to find a soft spot in my heart with her gracious attitudes and Christian faith, this is why I have never had a girlfriend but I have never thought of being a gay; I never felt that way either.
My hatred for the opposite sex was magnified by an event that took place in my high school when I managed to ask a girl out as an evidence of how much I have been able to work on my hatred for them. Read the story here.:https://m.facebook.com/
The same incident made me withdrew from them more than ever before and the hate wasn't just without evidence as I once slapped a Lady who started bleeding and six policemen came in a bid to arrest me back then.
However, after reading some good books and the bible I got to know it was really bad to hate human beings so I started working on the feeling and even until now I still abuse ladies verbally when the opportunity present itself, especially when they feel very important but I don't hate them any longer.
This story doesn't explain yet why I write about them always but it will make you understand my stand on the female gender by the time you finish reading this article.
In my quest to start loving the females, I needed to understand they are not all the same "bitches" as I often call them.
I needed to start seeing the best in them and I needed to humble myself enough to and be able to loud their importance.
By doing this, I realized the female folk are one of the the most important part of nature and in appreciating nature you can't leave the female gender out. There is a saying that women are spice of life, this is absolutely true.
That might be one of the unmentioned reasons why God made them to help men and i try to tap into it without abusing.
I once wrote about a lady considered to be a prostitute on my street, in fact people were wondering what business I had with her the day I talked to her on the street, they see her as prostitute but I was seeing the best in her and willing to write about it and even give her to read, learn and get better as a person.
Why am I able to write about the female folk despite i still struggle with my hatred for them?
I understand hating them is a struggle and make conscious effort in order to overcome it.
I needed to focus my attention on the positive aspect of them.
I needed to be considerate enough to realize I can make the same mistake they are making since no one is perfect.
I need to put myself in their shoes and not be stereotypical in my assessment of them.
I needed to loud their qualities in order to boost their self-esteem which is why i often write about them putting their pictures or name my poems after them.
I have found out that nature have put the female folk in a situation that put their self esteem on a decline and they need someone to make them feel better without wanting anything from them in order to boost their self-esteem since others do it because they want something from them and such doesn't boost their self-esteem. Writing for and about the female folk has been very profiting to me as a writer.
They have inspired more of the songs I've written. they have inspired more 95% of my poems whether they are about them or not,
the book I'm currently writing was inspired by women.
Do you still want me to stop writing about them?
Would I have become the writer I am today without women? Yes but having them as my inspiration has helped a great deal without which my creativity would have been crippled.
What would have crippled my creativity isn't women but being a stereotype and being judgmental.
It is simple, I would have been far less creative as a writer without women....
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