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students acquiring education but unsure of what the future holds In when education becomes indoctrination , an essay publis...

Friday, 11 March 2016


I once condemned a broadcast for presenting sex as a sacred and spiritual activity capable of forfeiting people’s destinies especially a virgin, the writer claimed it is a spiritual covenant that is difficult to break. Prior to that, a younger friend of mine had told me his Pastor warned him against sex that such action is detrimental to his destiny. Though morality is for the benefit of humanity, one of which is controlling sex urge but it is wrong when people try to create more sins out of the existing practices they call sin to put people in psychological and moral prison away from God.

The writer of the broadcast, just like other moralists used his message to inflict fear in the lives of people and didn’t offer them any way out; he laid emphasis on spirituality and holiness without even understanding how to attain both. I wonder what exactly is spiritual about sex; this energetic defender of morality who thinks he’s leading people to God was actually leading them away from him.

Sexual intercourse is seen as
one of the worst sins someone can commit against God. someone who has many sex partners is considered most detestable to God and the moralists, mostly Christians believe such person needs serious deliverance, they also believe whosoever have sex with such person has been possessed with demons too.
This is why the sex-workers are discriminated against in the society; they see them as people who belong to the devil. Some refer to them as sinners that can’t see the kingdom of God even if they accept Christ except they stop trading sex and seek deliverance from what they call demon possession.

The moralists also condemn certain sex styles and creativity brought into them such as: oral sex, gay sex; masturbation, use of sex toys and so on. They didn’t stop there; they also went against adventurous love-making even between married lovers. The moralists believe sex is an activity to be performed only on the matrimonial bed and with all these in place; sex has become the most talked about topic around the world. The most searched contents on the internet are sex related contents.

ELIST10 listed prostitution as number 7 on the list of the 10 most commonly committed crimes around the world in 2014 with rape coming 9th, all sex related. The moralists might condemn this too but the question is; why has sex become such a hotter topic than God its inventor?
Worship centers see sex as a topic not to be discoursed, they consider it carnality against their spiritual mindedness but even in their acclaimed holiness, most of them still commit sex crime.

Sex is a beautiful invention, one which human being has added their own creativity for their use such as the unnatural same-sex relationship.
The moralists condemned the USA for legalizing same-sex marriage, believing it is unnatural which is true, the theists believe the wrath of God will fall on America for legalizing it and the Christians believe it is a sign of end time.

While the latter is right, the formal shows ignorance of who God really is; God’s wrath will never fall on any nation for legalizing same-sex marriage.
Prostitution, known as the world’s oldest profession has also been seen as crime and the moralists condemn countries that legalized it. This gets me to wonder why people will trample on other people’s rights in the name of morality.
As a secular institution, no government will be wrong to legalize same-sex marriage. The government has the right to protect her citizens and if gays are there, they have to be protected just like the straight lovers.

Talking about same-sex marriage, one thing the moralists are doing wrong; a thing God does with moderation only when it involves him, is to infringe on the freewill of other people by bending their choices.
As odd as it sounds, the gays have committed no crime against humanity to choose their sexual orientation, it is a freedom of choice and it is no crime if it does not threaten the right of others. Only the defenders of morality and theist that tries to defend God will have problem with others sex orientations. It is like being a lawyer and getting angry at the other person for choosing to be a doctor.

Prostitution, pornography and even being gay are not sex crimes once they are not forced on people. The only sex crime is rape whether straight or gay because it infringes on another person’s volition and choice. This includes pedophilia and the use of charms. The moralists will be wrong to criminate homosexuality, by doing so; they have infringed on other people’s rights. If they consider them mentally ill, is imprisonment the cure to mental illness?

The activities of the moralists have not appropriated people’s approach to sex, it rather worsen it. Sex is a type of love but can be used as tool to punish people: those who set their prides on it and have been made to believe it is evil. Rapist knows there is no sexual fulfillment in raping but most of them do it in order to defect the mind and self-esteem of their victims. In Africa, rape victims don’t speak out because they believe their values had gone with their rapists, especially if they are virgins before the act, they call it stigma.

They believe the best way to keep their prides is to keep quiet on being raped. With this, rape thrives in the society, rapists knows shame won’t allow their victims to expose them thus they boast on crime they should be jailed for. Some victims even beg their rapists to keep it secret, some of them even went on to date and marry their rapists in order to protect what they call pride. The fault goes to the unruly defenders of morality who glorify sex and over-spiritualize it.

Most virgins are made to believe whosoever deflower them has automatically made a spiritual covenant with them thus they are psychologically imprisoned and find themselves going back to the person that deflowered them. This is why the issue of “first love” comes to play, after getting married to another person, most of them still find themselves attracted to the person that deflowered them and start extra-marital affairs with them because they think the attraction they couldn’t overcome is as a result of the spiritual covenant created when they are deflowered. Such attraction is nothing spiritual, it’s rather psychological.

The Christians believe having sexual intercourse with certain people dries anointing and takes away spiritual gifts. They support their claims by conforming to Paul’s claim that if a man is joined to a prostitute, he has become one with her. Paul’s claim will only come true if Jesus Christ believers act on it rather than believe what Jesus call them “light of the world”, believing Paul’s claim against Jesus’ here weakens the power of “self” and the efficacy of Jesus in them. It is like saying if light goes to darkness, the light will become darkness.

The moralists support their claims with what look like evidences such as, tales of great men of God who were said to have fallen because of sexual activities with women who aren’t their wives, women who find it difficult to stop getting attracted to the men that deflowered or raped them and men whose careers seems to have nosedived and sex with different ladies are said to be the reason for such. While all these could have happened because of sex, it is not the original cause of their misfortunes.

The cause of these people’s predicaments is simply lack of control of their urges which might have deafened them against the voice of God against doing certain things and their wrong beliefs which is influenced by over-glorification of sex.
Even as powerful as Jesus is, it is possible to have him yet still be defeated. How effective Jesus will work in your life is determined by the level of your believe in his ability. Jesus will only do what you believe he can do but that does not mean he can’t do more, the difference is “believe”.

Like I said, the moralists in their bid to bring people to God have succeeded in taking them away from him. Once they call sex a sin and one that is most hated by God, people will be focused on it, trying to overcome it, but unknown to them, whatsoever one gives attention blossoms.
Thus If they fail to overcome it, they move away from God thinking they are too much of a sinner to be forgiven or loved by him.
The society does not also help in this matter as they can only act within the premises of their knowledge.

They pass judgment which makes these people feel rejected and seek a world where they can be accepted such as venturing into prostitution, escorting and pornography, give up on God; they see themselves as sinners too sinful to be saints.
To God, prostitution, escorting and pornography is no issue, the issue is that they often have no time for him. It is worse if they have not accepted Jesus Christ because that will mean hell and going to hell will only be because didn’t accept Jesus Christ not because they are considered sinners by the society. The only sinners known to God are those who do not believe in Jesus Christ.

After spiritualizing sex, the moralists contradict themselves by tagging it carnality. Sexual intercourse is not spiritual shallowness; however, spiritual shallowness can be measured through it. The problem is lack of understanding of the word “spirituality” or being spiritual.
To some, spirituality means to walk soberly telling everyone “God bless you”.
To some, it is to be static in a position, meditate and do yoga.
To some, it is to be able to pray in tongues while to some, it is to be able to do dry fasting for as long as prescribed.

However, none of the above mentioned is spirituality but can be ways to achieve it.
So, what is spirituality?
Spirituality is conformity to a higher deity; a spirit believed to be higher than people whom they depend on for existence. In regard to this, conforming to God; believing his word (Jesus) who is the fulfillment of all his laws, listening to him and doing what he says to them is true and the only reasonable form of spirituality as far as the theists are concerned.

The activities of the moralists and lack of understanding has led many people to believe sex is evil but this is far from the truth even though sex can be used to perpetuate evil.
In Nigeria, most people believe that sex is not love; they consider anyone that demand for it outside marriage as carnal minded and a sinner. I’ve met a lot of religious ladies that see any man that use words like: babe, pretty, sexy and so on towards them as evil.

They have been made to believe guys that come with such words are only focused on sex and since to them, sex is not love, especially when unmarried, they see you as a temptation and thinks the best way to overcome you is stay away. Some even believe you are an unbeliever and take cover not to be unequally yoked with you as Paul warned. As a result of this wrong mentality, most men that ask ladies out in churches are considered spiritually shallow and bad influences because they believe they only want sex which to them is evil.
But is sex evil?

Sexual intercourse is an expression of a type of love called Eros and it is among the six types of love invented by God as classified by the Greeks. Sex is not evil until it is forced on people against their wills. Sex it is primarily an expression of love to oneself, to loved ones or/and for the purpose of reproduction. Since sex is primarily an expression of love to oneself and not necessarily for the other person, people say it is not love but that’s not all time true, doing it to satisfy the other person when you don’t actually want it is an expression of love for the other person; loving the others is all about sacrificing for them even when it’s not convenient to do so. Self-centeredness and lack of love for the other person against Jesus’ command “love your neighbor as yourself” is what drives people to use others to satisfy their sexual desires without really caring about them,  thus even though sex is love, it is not an accurate determinant of love for the other person.

Is sex a cause of spiritual shallowness?
Yes! This is because people want it more than God and allow it control their lives.
Another reason why sex is a major cause of spiritual shallowness is because people believe it is an anti-God activity, especially when done out of marriage or for monetary or material rewards.
Great men of God who are said to have falling and have their anointing dried up can trace their predicaments to these.
Most of them must have moved away from God after committing what they call sin, thinking he won’t forgive them until they do certain things.

This is why most of them can’t wrought miracles as they did before, they begin to doubt if God will answer them and with that, God will never answer them.
Reason: if you ask anything from God with doubt that he will do it then he won’t give you what you asked for. (Matthew 21: 21, 22) Losing their congregation is not spiritual; it is due to the fact that people leave them having lost the trust and respect they have for them because they expected them to live by what they preach.

The issue of fornication, adultery and unnatural sexual orientations is to be sorted by those that live by Mosaic Law and not those under the covenant established by God through Jesus Christ. While anyone that have sex with a married person, animals and same-sex should face the consequence that follows, such act is unconnected to God. Remember, all forms of morality are for the benefit of humanity not God. The only thing that concerns God is if you are saved by accepting Jesus as your Lord and saviour which reestablishes your relationship with him.

Though should not be exchanged for money or material rewards but doing that is not a sin to God, it could only be an abnormal use of it with consequences to follow.
Though marriage was said to be instituted by God, he did not prescribe to couples how to and how not to have sex with each other.  One major reason why people marry is to dedicate their sex lives to each other, through which they can make children and have a family they can call theirs.
Without mincing words, marriage is basically about ownership of the other person.

Sex is a beautiful invention to be enjoyed, it is not sin and those that do it with their lover regardless of whether they are married or not are not sinners, if they believe in Jesus Christ. Nothing that you do, except accepting Satan as Lord and worshiping him, is a sin to God once you believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and saviour but everything you do is a sin to God if you do not believe in Jesus Christ. To confirm my claim that sex whether in marriage or not is not a sin, please log on to soulerhymezinspirations.blogspot.com to read an essay titled “THE ORIGIN AND CONCEPT OF SIN”.

This essay is adapted from “GOD IS NOT RELIGIOUS” a book written by Eneji Stephen Toluwalashe, popularly known as Soul’e Rhymez, a member of Great Minds Initiatives International. He believes too much concentration on sex is the reason why people are far away from God and he decided to share this essay in a bid to give people more understanding and have them concentrate on God instead of sex.
Twitter: @Soulerhymez
Facebook: Soul’e Rhymez
To place your order for “GOD IS NOT RELIGIOUS” call: +2348163800077 or send email to: soulerhymez@gmail.com

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