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students acquiring education but unsure of what the future holds In when education becomes indoctrination , an essay publis...

Thursday, 24 March 2016


The energetic defenders of religion have given me series of names such as: vain philosopher, fallacy teacher, false prophet, humanist, defender of nature, Antichrist and Satan, some even said I need serious deliverance, but the truth is all of these people regardless of their status, they lack basic understanding of the scriptures and the first evidence of this is in their trying to defend the God they call “Almighty".  If truly they believe he's almighty why then do they that are weaker think they can defend him?
This was the same thing the Pharisees and Sadducee
did to Jesus; they tried to defend the God they didn't know.
How would they know God and not know Jesus was his son despite the Judaist scriptures which they claimed to live by prophesied his coming?
Everything he said was of God whom they claimed to know and the worst of it all was that they accused him of demon possession.
Jesus became one of the most controversial personalities to grace this earth and one of these controversies led to his death on the cross which was already foretold.
They misunderstood him saying, he threatened to destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days.
Their over-scriptural nature put them against God yet they didn't realize it, to them, they were defending the God they don’t actually know and thought he was happy with them.

Having all these in the scriptures, it is unfortunate that there are people in this century that still do the same. They are too scriptural to be Godly, thank God for those who are fortunate to have accepted Jesus Christ; they say God inspired all the Scriptures, that they are perfect books, but never found out how true those claims are.
They say God cannot be questioned therefore they read and pretend they could do all that are written therein. How much of the scriptures have they been able to perfectly live by?
Some don't even read at all, they only listen to their so-called Imams, Pastors, Prophets and so on, they put them in the place of God; do all they were told without questioning. They quote scriptures to support their bigotry and in all they think they know, they sound really foolish. These people thinks faith is gullibility, they said in order to understand God, common sense had to be suspended; thus they become slaves to what should serve them.

My essays have attracted a lot of controversies and one of them being TITHES AND OFFERINGS ARE NOT GOD'S where I asserted that tithe payment is no longer valid because it should be paid in order for the priests to live and Jesus the last priest didn't demand for tithe or commanded anyone to pay.
Someone referred me to the Bible where Peter called the Jesus Christ believers "Royal priesthood" Peter wasn't wrong. Jesus was the last priest and he gave opportunity to those that believe in him to be priests too. That means they can access God by themselves, for themselves and on behalf of others as the Old Testament priests do.
Now, if all Jesus Christ believers are priests and tithes are to be paid for priests to live, should the priests pay tithes too?
Is it recorded in the scriptures that priests paid tithes or God accused them of defaulting it?

To show that these people are foolish and are overly scriptural without understanding, they accused me of insulting people by using words such as: religious bigots, fools, foolish generation; hypocrites and so on, they say no true Christian uses such words.
I wonder who told them I’m Christian by works even if I’m one.
One demonstrated his well furnished folly by saying he refused to comment on one of my write-ups because I wrote using "religious bigots”, his likes claimed I am a sinner for doing so, but said Jesus didn't commit any sin for approaching the scribes and Pharisees thus:
"Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?" Matthew 23:33 KJV
Are vipers, serpents their names?
Is that not insult?

If they can justify Jesus of this, which he did on several occasions and also asserted they are hypocrites, why would they call me a sinner for using similar words? I guess they lack certain clarity.
Every Wiseman who has graced this earth before me possess such indignation, they wish people are as wise as they are and are pissed they are too foolish to be wise yet wouldn't accept it. If you read the book of Ecclesiastic very well, Solomon the then world's wisest man and one of the best poets ever, complained bitterly about fools, using such words you call insults, so mine isn't shocking, not the first, but might be the last before the coming of Jesus Christ. If Jesus Christ could use such harsh words and warned we shouldn’t insult others, does it mean he didn't lead by example or he lost his temperament easily?

I once told a 28 year old Muslim lady about Jesus Christ and she forbade him and said changing from Islam to Christianity is retrogressive. I smiled at her profound foolishness and asked if she had a Quran, she said no and also said that the Quran the whole house was using was taken away long ago. It meant all she practiced as a Muslim was what she was told by her Muslim mother and her Imam while growing up. She never tried to find out what the Quran teaches yet she believed she was serving God. That's a perfect indoctrination, a zombie mentality.
In regard to this, I affirmed in one of my poems titled: FRUSTRATIONS OF A WISEMAN thus:

Verily, verily I say onto you,
Many would find themselves in hell and
some would hold lesser positions in heaven, not
because they are the worst or renounced certain religion,
but because they embraced indoctrination when they
should learn and search for the truth.
I am one, who is given more wisdom than that of Solomon,
Take me by my words.

Faith is not stupidity so don't think you are doing God any favor to believe what you are told even when they aren't right. Some Christians are even worse, they have different versions of the Bible on their gadgets; they compare and contrast, but couldn't get the real messages simply because they have suspended their senses, saying: "all these scriptures are inspired and written by God and we must not question them”. I've not seen any folly as Holy as that.
This is the truth, if you care to confirm it: Not all the scriptures both in Quran and Bible are inspired by God, he just allowed most of them to be written.

For instance, the Christians believe Jesus is the son of God as written in their Bible and the Muslims believe he is a prophet as written in their Quran.
Both of them claim their scriptures are inspired by God, but can the same God say different things about such a significant pillar of faith and history?
Is God an author of confusion?
This is why in one of my quotes, I said, “No exceptionally intelligent person tries to see God through religions’ lenses and will not be tempted to be atheist.” Of course religion is the reason why we have a lot of atheists, but we shall treat that in another chapter.
The truth is, if you are too scriptural you might be going against God and won't know, but that’s what religion does.

One day I was discussing with a female friend, she quoted a scripture which I disagreed with and told her before I believe it I would have to consult God. She said there was no need to consult God since I couldn't believe his apostles that wrote the scriptures.
Such believe in the apostles without asking God would have been right in the Old Testament and would have been credited to my account as faith, but in the New Testament where all, through Jesus Christ can access God by themselves, it is pure foolishness and abuse of humility.
If God is truly the author of the scriptures as we are made to believe, why can't we ask him if he really inspired them now that we can access him?
You think believing what the scripture says is faith, it is not. Doing that only show you are gullible.
Faith is not in believing what you are not sure of, it is in believing what or who you know and are sure of despite it might be hard to do so.

Abraham (Ibrahim) the father of faith believed in God and was willing to do all he said despite how hard they seemed because he had relationship with God prior to those times God told him to do them.
Moses didn't believe God until God showed him who he was and he was able do what God told him to do subsequently because he had known God. Doing what God says after knowing him despite those things may be hard to believe was the faith which they practiced, so faith is not stupidity.
No wonder God said human race perishes because they lack knowledge.
If you read the scriptures because they said God inspired them and never got close to God to know if he really did, you have not practiced faith, what you practiced is gullibility and you could have fallen for another thing aside that if they came first.

In order to understand the Scriptures, first contextualize them using your common sense, compare, contrast and relate with them then. Know who is talking, who is been talked to, what led to the discussion and whether the conversation refers to you, this could be known based on the testament. Having done that, put aside what you think you know about them and let the Holy Ghost interpret them to you.
The Holy Ghost will interpret to you based on your common sense and how well you have been able to contextualize. He will tell what they really mean; which of them are inspired by God and which of them are not.
If you do this you would understand that my write-ups aren't insulting or heretic since Jesus and Solomon did it too.
However, the interpretation of the Holy Ghost is exclusive to Jesus Christ believers alone. For those who haven’t, they need to use their knowledge of good and evil in the place of Holy Ghost and if they truly read to learn, they will come to a point where they will know and believe Jesus is actually the son of God and the only passage to eternity.

If you aren't wise and you despise wisdom, what name is fit for you?
If you believe things without finding out what they really are, what is it called?
Try to relate that to religion and you would understand why I often use "religious bigots."
If you think you can please God by your complete dose of prayers, fasting and unholy holiness, when you struggle with several undoing that could be called sin outside Jesus Christ in secret and make others believe you are holy, are you not hypocrite?
If by your actions you block people’s ways to eternity, what is the best metaphor for you as used by Jesus?
Your answers to the above questions would further justify Solomon, Jesus and I for using words such as fools, vipers and religious bigots respectively.
They aren't insults; we are just being realistic. Would you want Jesus to say you are wise when you act foolishly?
So I won't, because I tapped from the wisdom of Jesus and see things in a different manner from the world just the way he did see them.
In order to understand the scriptures, you need to be able to hear from God, so I suggest you learn how to hear from God and even though includes reading the Bible, it goes beyond the prescriptions of any religion. I wish you greater understanding.

Written by Soul'e Rhymez

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